This website is owned and managed by the company DAWN TO DUSK DISTRIBUCIÓN, S.L. (hereinafter “D2D” or “Dawn to Dusk”)

D2D has designed this website to present the services offered by the company DAWN TO DUSK DISTRIBUCION S.L. as well as to receive leads, potential clients and business contacts in the field of e-commerce.


In compliance with the legislation on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, D2D, as service provider and responsible for the website, makes available to users its complete data as well as the rest of the content of this information document on the conditions of use of the site.


CIF: B-13957535

Carretera A1, Km.27,5

San Sebastián de los Reyes

28700 Madrid


Phone: +34 614315805

Company registered in the Commercial Business Registry of Madrid, Volume: 45.536, Folio: 115, Page: M-800879, Entry: 1



Any person who accesses this website and uses any of the services offered on the website will be considered a User. This condition implies the strict observance and compliance with the provisions set forth herein and any other applicable legal provision , as well as the express, voluntary and unreserved acceptance of these General Conditions.


This website provides information on services intended for public knowledge, which in any case will be subject to the terms and conditions expressly detailed at all times and accessible from this website, and which will be subject to various applicable legal provisions.

The use of the paid services or those that entail the assumption of obligations offered on the website, implies the tacit declaration by the User of his legal capacity and power of representation to contract.

The conditions of access to this website will be subject to current legislation, good practices and the principles of good faith and lawful and diligent use by the user.


In general, it is forbidden to carry out any type of modification or alteration of the contents of the website, as well as any action that could harm its integrity or operation in any way.


Use of this website for illegal or unauthorized purposes is strictly prohibited.


Both access to this website and the use that may be made of the information and content included therein will be the sole responsibility of the user.


In the event of non-compliance with the obligations expressed in these General Conditions, access to the website of the user who has failed to comply may be suppressed or suspended, and the user may also be liable for the damages that his malicious or willful misconduct may have caused to D2D or third parties.


D2D reserves the right to modify any type of information that may appear on the website, without there being any obligation to give prior notice or inform users of such modifications beyond the publication on the website.

This website is designed to operate on an uninterrupted basis. However, D2D reserves the right to suspend access to its website, without prior notice, at its discretion and temporarily, for technical reasons or for any other reason, and may also unilaterally modify both the conditions of access and all or part of the content included therein.

D2D cannot be held responsible for the temporary inability to access the website or any of its information at any given time.

Except negligent conduct from its side, D2D is not responsible for any misinterpretations that may result from the information presented on the website, which in many cases has been translated and simplified to facilitate its understanding.

In the same way, D2D will not be liable for any damages caused by fortuitous events, by information that has been manipulated or introduced by third parties, or by the illegal or improper use that any user may have made of the website or the content and information accessible or provided through it.

Eventually, through the included hyperlinks, the user could be redirected from this website to content from third-party websites. D2D cannot control the content introduced by third parties on its websites, so it does not assume any responsibility for the contents, information, or services that may appear on those sites, which are provided for information purposes only and in no case imply any relationship between D2D and the persons or entities that own the aforementioned content or the sites where they are located.

In any case, if it becomes aware of the existence of any content that could violate legality, morality or good taste, D2D will proceed to immediately remove the hyperlink.


This website, including, but not limited to, its source code, design, programming, navigation structures, editing, compilation and other operating elements, as well as the designs, logos, texts, graphics, contents, trademarks, designs, logos, icons, buttons, software, trade names, domain names, and any other signs or elements subject to protection by intellectual and industrial property rights that are part of the website are the property of D2D or in the public domain or, where appropriate, of third parties who have duly authorized their inclusion on the website.

The website as well as all its contents, its pages, and the information or elements contained therein, including texts, documents, photographs, drawings, graphic representations, software programs, as well as logos, trademarks, trade names, or other distinctive signs are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations and registered in the corresponding public registries, D2D being the owner or legitimate licensee.

As the owner of the intellectual property rights of the website, D2D has the exclusive right to exploit them in any form, in particular, reproduction, distribution, public communication and transformation, in accordance with Spanish and European Union legislation.

Any form of exploitation, including any type of total or partial reproduction, distribution, commercialization, transfer to third parties, public communication and transformation, by any means and support, of the aforementioned contents, creations and distinctive signs without the prior and express written authorization of their respective owners is prohibited.

Likewise, unless expressly authorized by the owner, it is forbidden to present the pages of the D2D website, or the information contained therein, under frames, distinctive signs, trademarks, or trade names of another person or entity.

Failure to comply with these prohibitions through any use not previously authorized by D2D or the corresponding third parties will be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights and the infringement prosecuted and punished by the criminal and civil actions contemplated in the legislation in force.

Third-party designs, logos, text, and graphics that may appear on the website are the property of their respective owners. D2D acknowledges the corresponding industrial and intellectual property rights in favour of their owners, and their mention or appearance on the website does not imply the existence of any right or liability of D2D over them outside the limits set out in the corresponding distribution agreements.


For any communication with D2D, any user may contact the company using the data included in these general conditions or through the contact section of the website.

Any communication must be made through a reliable system (registered mail or e-mail).

D2D will address the user using the contact details provided either when registering on the website or provided in their first communication.



For the resolution of all controversies or issues related to this website or the activities carried out on it, the Spanish legislation to which the parties expressly submit will be applicable, regardless of the user’s country of origin.

The mere access to the website and the use of the services offered therein implies the express acceptance of said Spanish jurisdiction.

Likewise, the intervening parties agree that any litigation, discrepancy, question or claim resulting from the execution or interpretation of these conditions or related to them, or other texts that may be on the website, will be first subject to amicable settlement and therefore undertake to negotiate in good faith to resolve the dispute or controversy for a period of no less than one (1) month from the date on which one of the parties notifies the other party in writing of their potentially contentious claim.

If, at the end of the aforementioned period, the dispute persists, the parties will settle it definitively by submitting it to the Courts and Tribunals of Madrid, as this is the domicile of D2D, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction or jurisdictional demarcation that may be competent, except in those cases in which the legislation provides for a preferential jurisdiction.


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