Naturalists often refer to them as “hides”, hunters have popularized the word “blind”. Both are synonymous and translate as devices designed to provide shelter and concealment while still hunting.

In short, blind hunting is about using a structure designed to hide the hunter and provide a strategic hideout from which to see without being seen.

There are countless models and variants. From a simple pile of branches to real brick constructions in the form of a hut. They all share the same goal: to provide concealment and hide us from the senses of animals during our hunt.

Obviously, the level of sophistication of these blinds will enhance some of the advantages that we list below, but it will also imply certain disadvantages such as the cost or the lack of mobility of certain structures that, due to their nature, weight and dimensions, are designed to be installed permanently


Probably the most commonly used are pop up blinds. These are simple and light metal structures covered by an outer shell made of fabric. Their lightweight, ease of transport and quick assembly make them perfect companions. Even within these we find huge differences in sizes, quality of finishes, window systems, structure technology, etc. This gives us the possibility to choose the one that best suits our specific needs.

Camouflage and concealment. Blinds are versatile and can be used in a variety of environments, from forests to open fields. This provides flexibility for the hunter to adapt to different hunting scenarios.

Blinds are designed to blend in with the surrounding landscape, providing excellent camouflage. If set up with a little patience and care, the blind will be virtually invisible camouflaged among branches, grass, or other natural elements in the environment. Even when this is not the case, the presence of a structure will make the animals that know the area wary at first, but in a very short time they will get used to it and accept it as something natural.

That is why ideally, even if we use portable blinds, we should not set them up on the same day we want to hunt but rather leave them prepared in advance so that the animals get used to their presence and do not suspect the day we decide to sit in them.

In addition to external camouflage, the blind primarily allows the hunter to remain hidden from the prey’s view and minimize the chance of being detected.

In this regard, it is worth highlighting some important aspects. The inside of the blind is usually dark to prevent animals from detecting us through the opening(s) or shooting windows.

To further promote this effect, when hunting from a blind it is advisable to wear dark clothing so that our silhouette is not detectable.

Likewise, if we stand very close to the window of the blind, the outside light entering through it will make us visible, while the further away we go, the blacker our silhouette will be. From the inside, we will see well through the window, but an animal facing the blind will only see a black space. That’s why it’s important to choose a wide blind, which provides us space enough to sit at a certain distance from the windows.

Scent and sounds reduction. By being inside a blind, hunters can reduce the dispersion of their scents and minimize the noise they make when moving. This increases the chances of approaching the prey undetected.

Obviously, the walls of a blind help contain our scent. And of course, a brick blind will do a better job than a PVC molded blind and this one better than a pop up. Whatever the style, a blind will be significant aid but it’s not magic. If we position ourselves in such a way that the wind blows from our back towards the animal, it will detect us even inside the blind, let’s not forget that.

The same applies when it comes to sounds. Being inside a structure gives us some margin to move and even cover some unintentional noise that we might make compared to sitting exposed. Soundwise, the material that our blind is built with will be even more decisive since there are well insulated blinds, with rubber floors or carpets to dampen noises, etc. But even in the best of blinds, if we drop a pair of binoculars on the ground or sneeze just when we have an animal in front of us, we will see how it runs away. Hunting should always be a silent activity.

Comfort. Blinds offer an enclosed and comfortable space for the hunter, allowing for a long wait without fatigue. This is especially beneficial in adverse weather conditions.

When it’s raining, snowing or the cold wind blows, being able to sit in a comfortable chair waiting in a shelter protecting from the elements is very much appreciated. On the other hand, on hot summer days, while outside the effect of the sun is counteracted by the breeze, inside the blind we can suffer very high temperatures.

What is undoubted, in any case, is that being hidden allows you to sit in a comfortable position and even stretch your legs or stand up and move around a little without risking being detected.

Longer waits also make it easier for hunters to spend more time observing wildlife behavior undetected, which can provide valuable information for strategic decision-making and offer precious opportunities to obtain photos or videos of animals and their behavior in their natural habitat.

Control of the shooting range. By using a blind, the hunter can have greater control over the shooting area. Most blinds are equipped with multiple openings in all directions, allowing the hunter to strategically choose the proper configuration depending on the terrain, preferences or needs. This flexibility can even allow a quick change of position in the event of the unexpected appearance of prey in an unforeseen area. All this can also be done quite easily and taking advantage of the freedom of movement that the blind allows.

Safety. By placing ourselves inside a structure, in addition to being more protected against extreme weather conditions, the risk of exposure to hazards such as falls, broken branches or even dangerous fauna is reduced.

Although there are many advantages, blind hunting also has its drawbacks and limitations. Thus, in addition to the already mentioned high temperatures that can be felt in a blind on a hot summer day a, by being confined, the hunter limits his field of vision. Windows limit the field of view compared to sitting on a treestand. Surrounding sounds can also be muffled. Some people don’t like this feeling.

In any case, the blind is a great piece of gear when still hunting as long as it is used with a good understanding of its advantages and limitations, and using them to our benefit.

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